In our life
days passes like leaves falling from a tree. In the case of a tree, leaves help
it to grow and sustain. But after its task, in a windy day it finally falls.
New leaves are born and the process continues forever. The same thing is
applicable to life; your time is limited and the ultimate power to become
successful in life rests with you, the way you think and largely about how you
manage each second of your life. There are voids or interstices in this
universe and these are part of our life. As famous author Umberto Eco confessed that he works on these
Voids of his life. Voids may be packets of fractions of seconds or
even a count of few heartbeats. Thus people utilising these voids become successful, they
create history or become part of a system that is literally powerful to
overcome any struggles.

Once Steve
Jobs was kicked out off the same company that he founded, Apple, he didn’t
broke down but crated history by creating two marvellous companies , Pixar and
NeXT. Pixar went to create first animated film, the ‘toy story’. Later apple
bought Pixar and Steve returned to apple. Later on a speech Steve called these
events as an awful tasting medicine later on said that the patient needs it.
What Steve shows us is the passion to fight, never give up and following your
heart. When Steve died share value of apple was 600$/share, but now when Dow
jones has reached the top, and broke the record, Apple struggles with its share
value crashing to 400$. Thus Steve’s exit created a big hole in apple, facing
challenges in innovation scenario. Thus Steve even after his death is the soul
of apple. Many entrepreneurs failed in this.

For an
entrepreneur, taking risks are of great importance, Steve jobs did it. Bill
gates did it. Dhirubhai ambani did it. Then why can’t we? Stock exchanges have
been a gambling site for many; it creates millionares, empty people’s pocket.
Make rich a dweller of slum but still people invest. Why? It’s their thrust to
become successful. Thus, people take risk, might be some tough decisions.
People like J R D Tata took a less travelled road and created a brand called TATA.
Pandit Madan Manohar Malvya founded Benarus Hindu University. Steve formed
apple. Thus, if you are determined nothing really cares, but your potential
which you have to unleash. Be your own master, you be in commanding position of
your life, then, no one can stop you.
Days will
pass, seasons will change, science and technology get advanced, thus keep
updating. You should have your own personality but that should be a reflection
of what others want you to. As Stewart brand said in his “whole earth catalogue’,
the passion for entrepreneurs. What the world would call “ KEEP GOING PHILOSPHY”,
that can create skyscrapers of your dreams.....................
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